Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Now We Sit and Wait…

It seems that no matter which sport reaches playoff season, Cleveland is always made to “sit and wait” for this or that scenario to unfold. And it rarely does. At least this time, if the Bulls beat the Nets, the Cavaliers will still be in the playoffs. But for how long?

This is not to say that I don’t have confidence in the Cavaliers’ ability to play the Heat, I just wouldn’t prefer for them to start off that way. I’m getting my share of heart palpitations tonight.

It was nice to get out of class early tonight and arrive home in time to make a bowl of lentil soup and settle in for a Cavaliers victory. My afternoon was wrapped up with a 4.26-mile run around Kent State.

I was vastly overdressed as usual, and even wore the hokey, orange knit hat I keep in my office for cold emergencies—they happen more often than you think. It’s a great hat for running because it has fleece-lined ear flaps (and my ears get cold so fast), but the yarn ball that sits on top kept bouncing off my head and throwing me a little off beat. But I’m always a little off beat anyway, you know?

So, I headed into hilly Kent at a too-fast pace (as usual) and could feel my track-ridden legs catching up with me. It’s probably 50 percent mental, but I’m just getting over mentally induced side stitches and I’d like to get over my mental hurdles one at a time!

But I really started thinking about my pace (another mental hurdle!) and had the wise words of one particular running Yoda ringing through my head. So, I stuck to the less hilly parts of campus to just stretch my legs and find a more sensible rhythm.

And one of these days, the rhythm of beating this lesson into my head will pay off as I extend my distances. So, thank you to all of my wise running advisors!

It’s time, however, for a rest day on running tomorrow. My congestion is dying down and I’ve grown a little too proud of my newfound health. So, I’ll probably hit the pool around lunch and take a light stroll in the evening. No sense in wasting perfectly nice weather!

Time is winding down and it looks like the Cavaliers might pull a #2 seed in the playoffs. Bulls are down by ten with one minute remaining. And somehow it’s still early. Now we sit and wait, fingers crossed.


Joe said...

Woohoo! You guys get to play the Wiz and Gilbert Arenas is injured! Go Cavs!

The Salty One said...

Sounds like a good run yesterday! It seemed nice out. I'm jealous!!! As for stitches. I don't have the answer. I used to get them on just about every run for about 2 months straight last Spring. Now I really only get them on occasion and it tends to coincide with a certain time of the month. It's weird. I don't get it. What can we do?

Hope you had a nice swim today!!

Jim said...

Hey G, are you still using your heart rate momnitor? I'd be curious toread about your experiences with it and your learning curve, etc.

PS..Did you watch "30 Rock" last night? Way funny and flatterig segment about Cleveland.

TRI Vortex said...

Nice run. I wish that I could think about pace instead of just survival on the run, hahaha. Its that time of year for me. Now that Bonelli is under my belt, I'm looking towards building for my BIG OLYMPIC (my first) in Sept. Any tips on building the run for a non-runner?

Charlie said...

Up 1-0
Lets ice that ankle 'bron

I take long deep breaths for side stitch's