Friday, January 26, 2007

Running in the Sick

It was such a thrill to be running again that I took off and ran back-to-back sub-8-minute miles (7:00 and 7:30, respectively), but my recovering body wasn't so excited. The rest wasn't pretty. But I did run 4 miles at lunch today, leaving 11 miles to run over the next several days.

I'm optimistic, but I probably won't squeeze it all in on Saturday morning like last time (but, you know, never say never). My lungs are still a little bitter about the flu.

The repercussions of Wednesday, however, continue: my calf is still a little whiny. I'm telepathically cursing that cadet right now. Landon is right. My experience with Poor-passing-skills McGee on the track is just another reason to run outside. The past week's weather, on the other hand, is a reason not to. I have already admitted to being a wimp, so you don't have to remind me. But before I buck up, I'll have to invest in some better winter-running clothes. If it doesn't make a considerable physical difference, it will keep my conscience warm. And what else matters, really?

Off to get some sushi and sashimi and something else to keep me warm.


Derek said...

Hey, I am just getting over being sick myself. I am a runner for Adams State College, and my training definitely took a hit. It is absolutely wonderful being back though. Keep up the good work and stay motivated!

Derek said...

Hey, I have to admit I am just getting over being sick myself. It was just horrible not being able to do anything. I'm a runner at Adams State College, so the running certainly took a hit. Feels great to be back again though. Keep up the great work and stay motivated!